It's been a long time since I've posted... so I've included lots of "outdated" pictures!  I'll start with the most recent, though.  Here's a picture of Jonah which I took before he left for 9am Mass yesterday with Luke.  We've been talking about Mass for the past couple weeks.  Jonah has been learning all about it- things he'll see there, what to do, how to behave, etc... We even made a checklist of different things he could look for when he's there, like candles, statues, altar, tabernacle, etc... You can see here that he's holding a special bag he got to take with him.  Grammy sent it, and it's got a little Bible in it, a prayer book, a book about Mass, and a couple rosaries.  Luke said Jonah did a great job at Mass.  They sat up near the front, and Jonah got to see many things we talked about.  He whispered, read his books, and listened.  In fact, when the priest was reading the Gospel and said, "They gathered at Peter's house," Jonah looked up, turned to his dad and said, "Peter Pan?"  At least we know he was listening!  

Here are some pictures from this past weekend... Luke and I both got to hold our Goddaughter Sarah Erickson.  Jonah is sporting his new pajamas in the next one, and also there's a few from Rita's bath.  Jonah was a great helper there- he washed her toes!
Last but not least, here's a slideshow of pictures from right after Rita was born, basically Christmas time through the next month... Jonah and Caleb enjoyed their Christmas presents, and actually you'll see a couple pictures of Luke and Joe playing with the matchbox cars and the racetrack- I guess if you're a guy you're never too old for that kind of fun.  :)  Enjoy the pics!
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2/21/2012 11:56:40 am

So glad to see a post from you guys! Jonah is getting so tall! He must have had a growth spurt these last few months!

Thinking of you!

Andrea Dougoveto
2/21/2012 08:26:08 pm

So many cute pictures! That Rita is just so darling! Jonah looks so handsome dressed up for Church. I laughed so hard about the Peter Pan comment!


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