Jonah says the funniest things these days!  Here are seven of the latest...
(Dressed up for Church the other day, talking to Andrea and Marlee):  "Look at this fine shirt I'm wearing!"

(Sharing his crackers with Caleb):  "Mommy, did I make God happy?"

(Running across the living room):
Me: "Jonah, how did you learn to run so fast?"
Jonah:  "Daddy taught me that.  When I was little."

(Had recently lost the marble he always plays with and was typing at the computer):
"Dear St. Anthony, come around, something is lost and can't be found.  Mommy, where is my marble?"

(While all of us were sitting around in the living room the other night):  "Daddy, tell mommy that you love her!"

(As the pizza delivery man was leaving our house the other night, Jonah stood at the door and said to him):
Jonah:  "I can run so fast!"
Pizza guy laughed...
Jonah:  "Ok, bye, I love you!"

Jonah:  "Mommy, was Rita in your belly?"
Me:  "Yes, she was."
Jonah:  (remembering his visit to the hospital):  "Did your bed have buttons on it?  Did the bed move up and down?"  (This is, of course, what he remembers about coming to the hospital!!!)
Me:  "Yes, it did have buttons on it."
Jonah:  "Someday when I'm big and I have a baby in MY belly, I can have buttons on MY bed!"
2/23/2012 11:26:18 am

Jonah is the best! Among all these awesome quotes the Pizza story is my favorite

2/23/2012 11:47:25 am

Jonah is so cute! I laughed so hard when I was reading these with Marlee!


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